• "Hurry, Hurry up!", called out a navy guy in a army suit with a M4 in his hand.
    " Don't you see we're trying to? I don't want to die....", I said. We were in a strange vacant, white hospital, and we were getting chased, by creatures. I was scared out of my mind. I had no idea how I got here either... But I knew I had to follow the group I was in. I was with 3 army guys, equipped with M4s, a man that knew first-aid, and my best friend Jucarrah. As we ran, people kept following us. We weren't sure if they had any infectsions or if they were indeed infected with the virus. As we ran down the long hallway, we spotted a room that apeared to be empty.
    " Wait, in here." i said. The 3 army dudes, the guy that knew first-aid, and Jucarrah turned around and headed toward me. Waving my hand as a signal of clearence, because we didn't want anyone to follow us, they ran quickly in the room.
    " Why are we here?" I asked, out of breathe
    " How the hell am I supossed to know?", one of the army guys said.
    " I am not liking this room at all.", Jucarrah said, creeped out.
    " And why is that?"the aid man said, out of breathe still.
    " Because of the bed. Look under someone."
    " I will," said the army guy removing his mask with his long, black, curly hair flowing out from behind his face. As he bended down to look under, John, the first aid man said "wait", while the army guy was getting up, he kicked a box that was in the corner of the room toward the bed. It slowly got pulled under by something under the bed, like idiots, we all watched it get pulled under. Then, from under the bed, acid was shot at one army guy, melting his mask and getting to his skin. Screaming. we all ran out of the room, we ran down the hall, all the way to the staircase. John saw a a man pulling a dead person's body across the floor. He looked up at us. You could see skin from his face barly on, his left eye was pure red, and the other eye was gone. We all ran and jumped down steps untill we got to the bottom. there was no one at the bottom, except for a stange tall guy with a machete walking right near the front entrance back and forth. the 2 army guys pionted their guns and were ready to fire.
    "No! Don't shoot." Jucarrah said, in a whisper. Then, without any warning, creatures were charging at us.

    And thats all i could remember. stressed stressed stressed sorry guys! sad