• The Day My Mom Killed a poor, defenseless duck.

    Date: 17th September, 2009

    Time: around 6:00 pm

    Murderer: My Mom

    Victim: A Poor Duck that she raised

    Report: It was good day for me that day, except for the part when the big,
    fat, stupid lady came to the library, i came home with my mother
    sister which was around 5:35. Then all of a sudden, my mom said
    she was going to kill the duck. I thought she was killing it because
    it had pecked her. Then she drew her monsterous blade of death
    ( A huge Knife) and sharpened it.I could not bear to see it, I hide in my
    my bedroom to awiat the yell of the duck in terror, and i heard it.
    My sister wepted( Cried ) all in the house like she lost a dear friend.
    But i didn't for I mocked my sister of her crying. i saw the head of the duck
    cut off and the blood was all over the walkway. My mother put the head
    and body in a pan and at that time I recorded the event on my cell phone
    and placed it on my computer. I have recorded the dreadful day, for may
    the duck live on in Duck Heaven.