• Life

    What is it?

    Why do we live it?

    What are the expectations from it?

    You never know.

    Thats the secret.

    Day by day.

    Year by year.

    Nothing seems to change but our age.

    Most of us would use it it well.

    Make use of life and enjoy it.

    Some don't for our own reasons.

    But life is beautiful.

    If you look at it from a good aspect.

    Some days life is truly bright and opening.

    But others are dark and cold.

    But thats quite normal for us.

    Isn't it.

    Define normal.

    My normal is what none of you would expect.

    Its wild.



    Something you would find bizarre.

    But to me is right.
    The feeling to be exact..

    Is not something we all need.

    Or so as we say.

    That is one of the emotions of life.

    Its part of the cycle we call.
