• I saw red.
    I felt my pulse in my ears
    It Started to hurt, A minor nuisance
    It grew, And so did My heartbeat
    I felt It begin to burn, An inferno
    I clamped my mouth shut, walked
    Away, Never to see her again, angry
    I saw Orange
    I was laying down, On a hill
    It had woken me up, It was to early
    The sun came up, and so did I, Quickly
    I grabbed my bag, and walked away, Mystified
    I saw Yellow
    The sun was Up, Now
    I began to hit the swamps
    The sun was at it's peak, And so was I
    I grabbed my bag, Beginning to tire, Sadly
    Everything was green, now
    I was in a meadow, and happy for the break
    The sun began to set, And so did I
    I fell asleep, Envious of Air conditiong
    I woke up and saw Blue
    The sun rose, and I laid there
    waiting, Thinking, Contemplating
    I began to feel down, Sad, My dad chose her
    I walked back, Depressed
    I began walking, Chewing, Slowly
    I walked, Seeing the purple flowers
    It reminded me of the pain, the refusal
    I wanted her away, Never to see her again
    I felt the pain of wanting to kill
    I walked home, To see her away,
    Away, She left, I saw A rainbow, And Become Euphoric