• Bullies are a big problem in the world, and they need to stop. They are the reasons most kids kill themselfs. Some things bullies do are name calling, spreding rummors, and shunning. All has happened to me.

    Name calling is not fun if they are saying it to you, they will make you feel like you dont belong, or your not good enough, and even that you are nothing. I have been called ugly every day of my life, over and over, day in day out, its not fun. Have you ever heard the saying, "Sticks and stones may breack your bones but names will neder hurt you?" Is it true? Or is it a lie? To me and meany others its a lie, broken bones heal, but a brokes sole or heart dont, names haunt meany to the grave and if you asked me the worst name i was called i would say a 20 yearold striper that i was called in 5th grade by a groupe of boys. I will alwas remember that its been 5 years and i still remember that day. Have you heard this one, "If you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all?" If you do that it will save alot of kids and greaf.

    Spreading rummors is horrible, i would never with that on anyone no matter how bad they treat me. Rummors can be true or not, but you should never spread them, The game telephone is a good example, you could go from the red apple to the sad Michael. They are almost never true. Please dont spread rummors. Rummors distroy peoples reputations What if the rummor was about a friend? What would you do? What if it was about a family member? What yould you do? What if it was about the person you dont like? What would you do?

    Shunning is the worst you can do. People shun others when they are mad, but its not right! The person you are shunning might want to talk to you, or they need a friend to talk to, or even they want to appologize about whatever happened. If they are trying to call you it might be important, maybe not life or death, but still.

    To stop the bully problem stop name calling, rummors, and shunning. It might save a few lives, it WILL help other kids, and it will help your reputation.