• ill always cover up my tears, and sadness, with the fake smile i put on my lips whenevere i see you.

    you were my life, i had so many feelings for you, kissing you was like a
    piece of my perfect never-ending dream. when we kissed, i couldnt breathe, my heart would pound so hard that i felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest. your lips were so soft and they always tasted so sweet. you were so nice, you always said you loved me, and when we texted, i had hoped that you would say i love you to me, everytime you said something else. i would dream about you every night. i dreamt that you were kissing me in the pouring rain, with the thunder and lightning nearly deafening us, i would be crying cause i had felt so sad that i was wanting to die, because somebody broke my heart, or something happened with my mother, or my dad or family was hurt or killed. i dreamed that you would always be there for me.

    i loved you so much, until you broke my heart.

    you stepped on my heart, stomped on it, tore it into a million pieces, shattered it into little shards of glass, and blew it into the dust that filled the air whenever you breathed, burned it up into smoke with the fire that was in your eyes, and then you glued all the smoke together, made it into dust, put it into shards of glass, picked it up and pieced it back together, rebuilt it with the sorryness that you knew i felt, and molded it back into my chest.

    ill always love you forever and ever