• As I lay in my bed
    My room black as night
    How tired I was
    Inside me, I have nothing but fright
    I toss and turn
    Can not sleep.
    But what do I have to fear
    As I cover myself with my sheet
    Three nocks on my door
    They Echo through my room
    My body grows week
    As my fear grows strong.
    I threw the sheets off me
    "Who's there!" I loudly shreek

    But no answer

    My heart is pounding
    Sitting up in my bed
    I look left
    I look right
    But see nothing.
    It is all in my head
    I say to myself
    My fear still strong
    I lay back down
    Again three nocks at my door
    But louder then before.
    Sitting up quickly in my bed
    "I say, who is at my door?!"
    What is happening
    My body is numb
    Sitting on the side of my bed.
    I can not move
    I try to speak.....


    What is happening to me.
    I see my door opening
    Who is there I try to speak....


    The hinges began to creeck
    The sound was erie and long
    My fear grew more strong.
    The door now wide open
    Who is there I try to say....


    My heart beats strong
    Foot steps start to fall in my ears.
    Closer and closer the sound
    I can now see him
    It is death
    He is here for my soul to take.
    Closer and closer death got
    Stronger and stronger grew my fears.
    This must be a dream
    But it feels so real.
    I must wake up!!
    Why cant I wake up!!!!

    He got closer and closer!
    Why cant I move!
    Why cant I speak!!
    Is this what being dead feels like?
    The walls began to creak
    The floor began to shake.
    Death now in front of me
    What do you want I try to say.............


    His sythe in his right hand
    Now ready to strike
    As he raised it over his head!
    Eyes glow a horid red!
    He screams like a demon!!!!
    I shut my eyes ready for the blow......

    Room goes quiet.
    The walls creak no more
    The floor no more shakes
    ......Is that it.
    My numbness is gone
    My fear still strong.
    I open my eyes.......
    I stand before my bed

    A knife in my hand
    Blood driping off my hands
    Blood on the wall......

    This can not be!!!!
    I have killed my love!!!!!