• Lucien also made it to were only he may touch it.”
    “Chronos why is it I look so different from other people?” Vanora asked.
    “Child the gift we gave you was to be a dragon; the amulet only hides your form. Have you not seen yourself as a dragon? “He asked with curiosity.
    Vanora thought back to her only transformation that she knew of. She had transformed in the woods in the middle of the night when it was foggy. She never saw herself she only murdered the slaver.
    “Now that I think about no I haven’t” she stated surprised.
    Chronos walked up to her and gently lifted the amulet off her neck and above her head.
    “Wait what are you doing…ah!” Vanora screamed she being changing that second. She could feel every limb burning and extending again.
    When the transformation was complete Chronos stood there smiling proudly.
    “Beautiful you turned out well with the spirit of Mieshla within you you’ll be able to harness special abilities.”
    Vanora arched her neck to look at him better .She wondered if there was a way to communicate with others like this.
    “Well child well discus that in a moment, for now look.” He waved his Hand over a clear spot and a large mirror appeared.
    “Go on take a look.” Chronos gestured to the mirror.
    Vanora walked over barely making any noise as she walked over. When she looked at herself she shot out a puff of smoke from her snout. She was an elegant long white dragon. Her hide looked like pearl white snake skin her eyes were lavender with a pure essence to it. She turned her head to the side to see horns on the top her head that extended about three feet back. Vanora extended her wings to see them at full length. The membrane was translucent but shined in the light they also seemed like u could pass right through them.
    “As you can see you’re a white dragon with lavender eyes therefore you human form will look similar. Now as for communication you can focus your thoughts on one person or a group, or you can let your thoughts roam freely or just to yourself.”
    “Chronos what now, how do I train and what about this form should I hide it?”
    Chronos held his chin in his fingers and paced in thought.
    “Vanora its time we discuss the matters at hand. Continue your journey to Isle de dracona. After you have learned to use weapons and defend yourself as a human and dragon the leader of the island says you are ready travel to the different regions and gain alliances. As you journey to these lands visit each god’s home there they will test you.”
    “What kind of tests Chronos?” Vanora asked.
    Chronos came and placed the amulet on her neck.
    “You shall see when you arrive. Take Camridon keep him close you will need him for the tasks ahead. Now sleep” he said as he waved his hand over her eyes. “Stay safe my child I shall see you again with a trial for you.”
    Vanora passed out in the field of dragon lily flowers.


    “Vanora”? Camridon whispered. “Vanora its time to leave we’ve overslept enough as is.”
    Vanora’s eyes fluttered open taking in the morning sun light that surprisingly was shining through the curtains. She stretched out her entire body and started thinking about last night. Was that a dream. No her inner knowing told her that her conversation with Chronos was real. Where was she in that dream it was almost like heaven to her with wide open skies and a peaceful meadow. She looked up at Camridon from the bed. He had on A dark thicker padded tunic and tight adventurer pants on. He wore a belt across his chest with a sword attached in the back. He sat on the bed putting on some knee high leather boots. Camridon looked back at her.
    “I traded some gold and old clothing for acceptable traveling clothing.”
    He said grabbing a bag off the floor. “there’s some in here for you as well. Go ahead and change I will be down stairs.”
    Camridon tossed the bag onto the bed and left the room. Vanora slid out of bed and gently touched her feet to the floor. She grabbed the bag and looked inside. There was a mixture of darker colors from blues to black. She slowly took off her clothing and noticed something odd when she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her back had some kind of design on her should blades. The dragon mark that had always been there had extended with swirls extending from the wings. What was that? After studying for it a few minutes she started dressing in a deep blue tunic with black leggings and boots. When she checked the bag to see if anything else was there she saw there was a new midnight black cloak and a bow to match. There was a note attached.

    Vanora I got you a new cloak considering the old one was made from an old sack of food. The bow is special It’s made from willow branch wood and the string is made Of unicorn hair. Don’t worry about how I could have afforded This everything went smoothly. Let’s hope you remember How to use this. If you haven’t found it yet there’s also a Small hand blade for you.


    Vanora finished reading the note and looked in the bag to find the small knife. It was just small enough to hide in the small side of her boot. Now that she was dressed she put the cloak around her neck and grabbed the bag and filled it with her old clothing. She left the room and headed down stairs to find Camridon. When she reached the first floor there were murmurs through the room of a cruel crime that happened this morning.
    “Stupid old fool not paying his debts, you see what happens?” one man was saying.
    “But still to go after such a little girl that’s a little over the top isn’t it?” A bar maid replied.
    “Xander has to learn you if you play with real men you’re going to get hurt” The man said taking a swig of his ale.
    Vanora scanned the room thinking about what she heard. A small child was kidnapped from someone named Xander. It was terrible but what could she do? She finally found Camridon standing at the door talking with a scrawny looking sailor. When he saw her approaching he waved him goodbye and guided her out the door.
    “We’re on our way to the docks I’ve got a few names of Captains that might be willing to take us to the island.” Camridon said leading the way down the hill to the ocean. The walk was quick considering most people stayed in the shadows and kept to themselves. The smell of the ocean was new to Vanora. A mix of salt and water was a pleasant aroma one that made her nose tingle. And the colors everywhere were exciting to see. Blue to green then turquoise meeting with the sky which was a stunning aqua blue. Camridon made a hard left with Vanora close behind. Suddenly he stopped at a large mahogany ship it was polished and regal looking with the mold of a Dragon on the front. The flag on the ship had a picture of two large birds fighting.
    “This is it the Blood raven a very well known ship.”
    Camridon said admiring the boat.
    “If you notice the dragon that means he’s in the rebellion. If you ever see what looks like Basilisk, that’s the kings men. It used to be Dragons as the symbol of this kingdom, which was before the transformations.”
    Vanora nodded and looked at the dragon, it looked angry and fearsome. Did she look fearsome to others when she look beautiful to herself.