• White as snow cotton shaped clouds filled the baby blue sky.The smell of fresh cut grass lingered in the air making its presence known.Tulips and roses are starting to bloom bringing back life to the colorless bare valley.Children shed their winter clothes and come out in shorts and short sleeve shirts.Animals that were sad and dreary are now livly and joyful.The cold is gone and spring is here.Life is coming back to plants that were taken by the cold weather.Plants are budding and blooming welcoming people back outside.Bees bustle from flower to flower collecting pollen.The sweey sound of childrens laughter young and old welcomed each other.The childrens eyes that were gray from the cold are now as blue as the sky.As brown as dark chocolate and as green as the freshly born grass.New life has appeared as it does every spring.Baby birds chirp as their mothers sing the song of nature accomponied by baby and mother squirels.Its offical spring has sprung.