• Who put us here? Why? The beauty of this world both wasted and admired. By people of different race. gender. and color. we love it. we hate it. we need it. Nothing else to keep us alive. we live we die. we live our lives to the fullest. we end it short. We fall in and out of love. we laugh and cry. we scream and shout. we have loyal friends. backstabbers. We lose things... we gain others. not everyone likes each other. but who cares? I don't. all i need is A caring family amazing friends, and a smile on my face. can I keep that smile? maybe. heartache is natural. but it sucks. you'll find that one though. Soon enough. you'll do many things. not all will be good. you Will make mistakes. all of this takes your life down the road it's destined to go down. you just have to hold on for the ride... it will payoff in the end. or will it? i don't know. thats up to You.