• Last night, I had a dream about this guy that I'm in love with. He doesn't love me back, I'm sure. But last night I had a dream I was back in dance class, a thing I stopped doing since I moved. Everything where I live is expensive, and my school doesn't have dance. Anyway, I was on the bar, and he walked in looking for me. His back was facing toward me, so I sneaked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. Then he swiftly scooped me up and said, "I love you." I responded with an "Okay!" and a smile. Then he proceeded to kiss me. I've never been kissed before, but if I had to choose one person to change that, it would be him. Then he let me down, took my hand, and we walked to a Hampton Inn that my parents, for some reason, rented out for us (my family.) We walked in, and nobody was there. He proceeded to push me, laughing, onto the bed, and kiss me some more. Then we wrestled a bit, and fell asleep in the bed with my head resting on his chest.

    Then my mom woke me up. I didn't even know that all that had been a dream yet, but that dream went KAPUT. Or so I thought. I fell back to sleep, and for what seemed like forever, there was no dream. Then I was suddenly walking back into the Hampton Inn hotel room. I saw my uncle, my aunt, and their two kids sleeping on the couch. I quietly left, and I walked back to the dance studio. I got a phone call. It was him. I picked up and said hello. He said hello back, and told me why he called.

    "So my parents are in their car, and we're stuck at a light. I just thought I should get to know you a little better..."

    The thing that I loved about that sentence was that it wasn't the kind of "get to know you better" that slows a relationship, it was the kind that means that he wanted to know everything and anything about me that he didn't already know. I proceeded to tell him everything. And he listened. And we lived Happily Ever After.

    But I woke up wanting to cry because none of that was true. And it wouldn't be as far as he was concerned. And that's why I hate dreams.