• once i wanted to kno where rain came from but my dad told me that rain came from the sky where the angels and gods cry above us.. but then i kept going to see who else in my family's opinion bout this. i asked one of my uncles he said it came from gods who pissed on us. then i was like huh.... i was 5 that time tho i didnt understand... but then i asked my grandpa he said also the gods and angels who always thinks bout us and crys and pisses are the rain he told me to shut up and so i did... then after 1 years later wen i was 6 years old i still didnt understnad but wen sumone died that time i had loving memory in everybody.... i mostly understood my dad wen he told me wen angels and gods cry for us. i believed that one beccause wen one of my family members past away in loving memory i would think one day wen it rains i think bout her crying for us above in heaven so in loving memory i would always never forget the time i heard this story. ^_^