• You drink, though you know it's killing you... then complain. You do drugs, when you know they're destroying you, than hurt someone. You come to me for help, then complain when I help you. You act like your the best, when your the worst. How many people have I met like this? Too many... "Why are the people around me so cruel?" "Why are you so mean?" I've been asked questions like this before.... I'm not mean. I'm just sick of people complaining when things don't go their way, and try to get people to help them, then be mad that they do. I HAVE PROBLEMS. I ADMIT IT. But, when I get help, I I'm not mean. I'm just sick of people complaining when things don't go their way, and try to get people to help them, then be mad that they do. I HAVE PROBLEMS. I ADMIT IT. But, when I get help, I APPRECIATE it. Some people get mad when they don't get help, when they ask for it. But, most of them will about 99% of the time complain about getting help. Why do you drink, or do drugs, when you know it's a problem? THAT'S YOUR OWN FAULT. ESPECIALLY IF YOU WON'T LET ANYONE HELP YOU. END OF RANT.