• In English class we're reading "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding; born in Cornwall in 1911. After joining the Royal Navy in 1940, he saw many cruel actions take place; he stepped down as a Lieutenant in command. He returned to Bishop Wordsworth's School in Salisbury and wrote his first novel - which is "Lord of the Flies".

    He believed then humans to be 'inherently evil', which in a way is true; taking in consideration how cruel we are towards fellow humans!

    Looking back in time thanks to the oldest book - the bible - we know that God gave us the power over choice - to decide, interpret and to debate - which the Satan used to tempt Eve into eating the fruit of knowledge; which God said was one of the two trees never to be eaten of. But where was Adam? Yes that was the reason for sin to be, Adam allowed Eve to wonder alone, whilst he was suppose to be with her, helping her and supporting her, if he was she would have overcome this temptation. She ate the fruit and sought it to be good and took to Adam one too and convinced him the same... We all ought to know what happened next, right?

    Later Adam and Eve had children, who also sinned, they children, their children had children etc... you get the point! So generation after generation AFTER GENERATION there were not one person who did not sin; until Jesus was born! He was tempted many a times, but never did Satan win, he just couldn't convince Jesus to 'fall'. Jesus was Gods son, and just as humans received the power to choose, Jesus too had that power, thus in a way also was 'inherently evil'... maybe? Maybe not_ But he had the choice to sin, he had the ability to run from his certain death, but he didn't; why you might ask, because he choice not to.

    I too believe that humans are inherently evil through the power of choice, which allows us to make mistakes, to be tempted and yes all of this and everything that is categorized under this is sin, no matter how small or how big, in Gods eyes it is the same! But this doesn't mean we must be evil, we can go against all of our power and fight and be victorious; we can be good, heck we can be great, but only if we do not let our power choose for us (control us)!

    So will you stand and fight?! Or will you take the easy road; that which comes so naturally; and thus except your inheritance?