• Roses are Red

    Violets are Blue

    My Heart is shattered because of you!

    You took my heart and tore it in two

    Now I'm beyond being fixed

    all thanks to you!

    Don't say you're sorry

    To you it was just a game

    Unfortunately in the end I was the one being played!

    A wise person once said

    "sticks and stones may break my bones yet words will never harm me"

    I find that hard to be true,because your words got through to me and shattered me in two!

    Now I sit here writing this poem to you

    I am so finished being "in love" with you!

    All in all you used me making me believe you care

    But knowing that you don't is way too much pain to bare!

    I wipe away all the tears I have cried,

    because you were one stupid guy

    I never should have trusted you with my heart,

    because all you did was break it apart!

    Now all you are is a stabbing pain

    One of which I am reminded of day to day!

    I seriously hope you cry,

    remembering the night that inside I died