• It's a Two-Way

    My family is a two-way mirror.
    Specifically, the people looking at a two-way mirror.

    My dad is a person on the mirror side
    That does not know it is a two-way mirror.
    He looks at it, but all he sees is him looking back.
    All he sees is himself and his problems.

    My mom is a person on the mirror side.
    She knows it is a two-way mirror.
    She sees only herself,
    But she knows that there is a person looking back.
    She catches glimpses of the person on the other side.

    My pets are the mirror itself.
    They see what's going on,
    But don't necessarily do anything about it.
    They sit there and watch the world go by.

    Me, I'm the one on the other side.
    I stand by and watch everything
    That goes on.
    Oh the things I see.
    I see the things that nobody else can see.

    As I stand, invisible,
    I see all of the problems of the two-way mirror.
    Nobody really connects with one another
    To see the view of the other sides.

    ©Charlee Kristof