• Stop and look, look at your life.
    Is it really how you want it to be like?
    Are you on the road you want to be going?
    Is this the person you want to be?

    A girl with some fake friends,
    Who treat her how she treats them,
    Behind backs always gossiping
    That’s all I see.

    But now, you can turn it all around,
    To this identity, you don’t have to be bound.
    Sure it will be hard, and life can be tough,
    But it won’t be made out of quite the same stuff.

    Smiles and friends,
    They don’t have to be fake.
    Because believe me,
    All that’s a mistake.

    Just take my hand,
    And I’ll take yours.
    Together, we can do it.
    I promise, we’ll get through it.