• I stood on the hill,
    Standing cold and still,
    The rain continued streaming,
    Yet I was still dreaming,
    When I had awoken,
    I noticed my heart was broken,
    But then I realized I was not sleeping,
    I was weeping,
    I heard a voice calling from a distance,
    But it felt like I was no longer in existence,
    I tried to answer back,
    But a voice was something I happened to lack,
    Soon my body began to fade,
    And I started to turn a different shade,
    All at once I was lost,
    Never knowing what the cost,
    I couldn't tell you what happened next,
    Because I was gone and out of text,
    I cannot tell you because I have no voice,
    And now I know I have no choice,
    I must tell you that this is the end,
    And there is no more that I can send,
    So now you know my story,
    And that I did not die in my glory.