• do you know what an angel is?
    have you ever met one?
    do you believe in them?
    how could he be like?

    for me
    an angel is always there
    watching over you
    always around you - you just can't see him

    he protects you from harm, from sadness
    he makes you smile, makes you happy
    brings you joy
    washes away your tears

    he is with you
    you're never alone
    around you, inside you
    can you feel it?

    this warmth, this wonderful feeling he's giving you
    he gives you strength when you're feeling weak
    he makes the sun shine for you on a cloudy rainy day
    don't close your eyes - don't close your heart

    he will always be there for you
    don't forget this!

    now - do you believe in angels?
    i do - i met one

    i met you