• Inside she cries

    Broken hearted

    Of all the lies

    That never departed

    She cries of love

    She cries of hate

    She cries like a dove

    At the Heavens Gate

    Her loved ones betrayed her

    With no such care

    She tries to remember

    Though she wouldn't dare

    As she kneels down to pray

    For the loved ones she fears

    She looks to the bay

    Thinking of precious years

    A smile appears

    Across her face

    Remembering the years

    She can never replace

    She pulls out a picture

    Of her family so dear

    Like a broken fixture

    She held on to for years

    She feels in her pocket

    Looking for an object

    Inside she found a locket

    For that is where she would stock it

    Thinking it over

    She pulls out a gun

    Hoping for another

    For family she has none

    She puts it to her head

    Counting to three

    She will soon be dead

    And happy she will never be

    As one last tear

    Runs down her cheek

    She says goodbye

    In life she was too weak

    Her life is gone

    On the ground she lie

    As dusk went to dawn

    She chose to die.