• Everyone has been hurt by love before. Some try to forget and move on. Others, like myself, can never forget.

    From the ashes of Hell's fire,
    I see your face smile.
    Wishing our love wouldn't expire,
    Because I need you all the while.
    Knowing this would never last
    Now all I do is dream of the past.
    Of a time when all was bliss.

    Now I see
    This was never meant to be.
    Now I know
    Friendship is all you can show.
    Now I need
    To just let it all out and bleed.
    Because I see
    This was never meant to be.
    But still it is you I truly miss.

    Okay. Here I am.
    All alone in a world of imagination,
    wishing you could take a part in it too.
    Yes. Here I am.
    Creating a world full of sin.
    Knowing you should take a part in it too.
    But you shy away,
    While I stay
    In a world full of empty bliss,
    Because it is you I truly miss.

    In my sleep I dream of your love
    But you now only haunt my night's rest.
    You've hurt me; crushed me.
    And I can't take much more of this.
    Now, only the angel's above
    Know the truth. They put me to the test,
    So I can see
    That so I can truly see that even though it's you I miss,
    I can go on.
    I can go on.

    From the fiery ashes of hell,
    I see your grin show.
    Just letting you know,
    I'm now smiling as well.
    From the fiery ashes of hell,
    I see your grin show.
    Just letting you know,
    I'm now smiling as well.

    The pain is still here, but I'm okay now. I smile knowing that life somehow will go on. do you still remember what we were? because I do...And I will never forget.