• Bleak, clouded skies,
    This whole world is built on a lie.
    "I promise you this!" "I promise you that!"
    Screw it all, there's more to care about.
    Our teens now-a-days, with razors in hand,
    Are cutting so deep to make it all go away.
    Where were you? What were you doing?
    Were you busy watch in television?
    Were you too busy talking on the phone?
    What about you're teen?
    They need attention too!
    If you had only paid enough attention…
    Maybe you would have seen the blade.
    But who cares now?
    They're lying on the floor.
    Blood everywhere, what do you care?
    Keep watching that T.V. set,
    While the heart is slowing down.
    Keep on that phone conversation,
    While the arteries are drying up.
    But once they cross your mind,
    It's too late.
    You'll cry, you'll weep,
    Blame yourself for not paying attention.
    I bet you anything in two years,
    It will be back the way is was.
    And the cycle will begins again…