• I am from airplanes roaring through the air,
    I’m from living just about everywhere.
    I am from birthday parties with a family I hardly know,
    And wondering when next I’ll see the snow.

    I’m from a language most people have never heard,
    And a life of home schooling, though that seems absurd.
    I am from three kittens and an adorable puppy,
    Two goldfish and a little guppy.

    I’m from a loving, Christian family clan,
    And many old relatives with a very long life span.
    I am from random people who claim they know me,
    And from strange, blurry memories of a crashing sea.

    I’m from homemade concoctions of soap and paste,
    From sauerkraut, oh how I hated the taste!
    I am from a missing letter to a childhood game,
    I’m from riding a tricycle down an old lane.

    I’m from an extremely messy attic shared with my brothers,
    I’m from wearing old jewelry that was once my Mother’s.
    I am from Christmas caroling around our block,
    I’m from darning up holes in a very old sock.

    I am from my little brother’s birthday late Easter day,
    I’m from leaving my home, yet wanting to stay.
    I’m from weekends spent out near the beach,
    From friends thousands of miles away out of reach.

    I’m from a father-made motorboat out on the lake,
    And tubing and boarding behind on the wake.
    I am from a family that dearly loves to snow-ski,
    I’m from a brother who simply adores green tea.

    These memories I keep and treasure,
    Whether they bring me pain or pleasure.
    They’re part of my heritage, my life,
    Though some may remind me of anger or strife.

    Each one I’ll lovingly remember,
    As the start, my young, burning, childhood ember.
    That grew and blazed to who I’m going to be,
    And who I’ll become, just wait and see.