• what happens now
    now that you broke my heart
    and walked away
    what happens now
    when you shut me out of your life
    and i can't forgive you
    what happens now when you
    walk away and you can't hear me say
    anything,and the things i do say you shut me out
    please tell me what happens when you
    broke my heart and i still love you
    when you know i will never forgive you even
    when you say your sorry
    now that i hate you forever and eternity

    Please let me tell you its not that easy
    to love and then just forget
    to hate and just try to remember who that is
    because when someone you care for dies
    and you don't remember them at all
    your gonna wish you never hated me

    I believe in God
    "Do you believe in God?"
    because when you die
    you either go to heaven or you go to hell
    Satan or God?
    You pick.

    These are my thoughts
    my random thoughts
    you have these same exact thoughts too
    I am Christian and proud,you are?
    " Catholic?"
    and whatever religion you may be or have
    people should look at you like no other
    I may be white and you may be black
    i may not have a problem,and if i do i am rasist
    just because we're different
    doesn't mean we are not "one"
    " One world,so brave and strong"