• the clock ticked
    and it tocked
    and it smirked
    as it mocked
    all the sick
    and the lost
    of this bleak
    little rock

    so the sick
    in their shock
    hid in pits
    from the clock
    as it kicked
    and it knocked
    at the brick
    of their shops

    next it picked
    the small locks
    it unhitched
    those weak blocks
    which protect
    one's life stock
    all time left
    for this walk

    then it nicked
    and it chopped
    at each wick
    man’s own clock
    it was quick
    like a hawk
    as it snipped
    and it docked

    but the p***k
    of a clock
    done with tricks
    and with crocks
    felt its tick
    and its tock
    start to crick
    start to slog

    yet the slick
    little clock
    could not fix
    could not stop
    the dull clicks
    of his cogs
    his last tick
    his last tock.