• Running through the streets, paws cracked and dry. Lights everwhere, no one like me, I see a cat, but I do not run after it. I know I will fail like every other try. I see a a garbage can, I nock it over and there is nothing in it for me, to eat. I keep running down the street, no one to be seen. "Splash" I run into a puddle of muddy water. My fur wet, and cloggy. I see a steak at someone's porch. I start to niblle on the steak, but all the sudden "BANG." I feel a sudden pain in my side I try to make it to the street but, I fall hitting the ground. i look at my side, blood everywhere on my side. I start to lose vision. I..............I......

    From the creator: I made this myself and I hope you like.No grammermistakes in it either.