• Driftwood

    Oh lonley wood swimming alone
    Please show me the way home
    Driftwood please don't sink among the sorrow
    Just float me home and, never be alone

    Oh Mr. Driftwood where can we be among this sea of lonley
    I opened my eyes to mourn and lift my hands
    Only to find white grains of land
    Screaming for victory
    Only to see we were defeated once again
    Slowly to become castaways of an Island of Despair

    Three years have gone by no one to be seen from the sea or sky
    Slowly I remeber those I left behind
    Slowly I remeber how I lost you
    Mr. Driftwood....
    Mr. Driftwood please leave the fire....
    Mr. Driftwood please leave the sea....
    Oh Mr. Driftwood please stop haunting me....