• Decomposition December

    As the snow falls
    On your skin
    Will you come with me
    To the grave yard where we lie until spring
    And as our skin begins to fall off our bones
    In our eternal embrace
    We don’t need it anymore
    And as our hearts and breaths

    Will our love begin to flow
    With our souls to the earth
    And melt the snow forever more
    From our bones
    As they begin to sink into the soil.

    And will the spring bring the sun
    As we lie

    And let us liven up this graveyard
    And push some flowers from the earth

    in December

    No one even will remember
    When our bodies decomposed in December
    Our love the only thing we give a thought too
    as we dissappeared through time and space

    And our old selves pushed up the flowers
    and our new selves rose from the ground
    And walked away
    And you smile as I say
    I will always love you