• You're telling me lies
    Trying to hide your pain behind your sweet smiles
    Crying at night thinking I don't recognize
    I know you're afraid of the freedom your new life will bring
    You're so used to being held down
    But you can't hold on anymore
    You have to let go and understand
    Life wasn't good back then
    But now you have a chance
    See the world, taking notes, pencil and paper in hand
    You have to stand up and take hold
    Don't let your fears take control
    I know you don't like to express and neither do I
    So I'm doing it in a way we both understand
    Writing down my words to let you know I comprehend
    The pain and the fear eating away at your heart
    But you got to let go because it's slowly tearing you apart
    So please don't lie to me
    I want to know the truth
    I can understand what you're going through
    I've been there too
    Don't you remember, we've walked this path hand in hand
    So don't pull away now when you're in the need the most
    Just tell me your problems and I'll do my best to make your days a little bit brighter