• I'm sitting here
    Staring at the sky
    Filled with birds
    That still fly by

    I long to go with them
    To be free of this life
    To be part of a care free world
    One that lacks strife

    But unlike a blue bird or a raven
    I'm bound by iron chains
    Stuck here outside
    To be left in the rain

    Oh someone come help me
    Someone set me free
    I promise to behave
    Let me go and you'll see

    But no one can hear me
    My parents made sure of that
    People don't get me
    They treat me like a rat

    They wonder why I'm strange
    Why I'm mean and filled with grief
    It's because I have no where to go
    I am where happiness is brief

    I can't wait to be grown up
    To do what I want to do
    But wait, will my parents let me?
    It's all about what they choose

    Someone help me
    Someone save me
    I don't like this life
    I want to fly free
    Away from my strife!

    I'm sitting here and looking at the sky above
    Watching as the birds fly past
    While I'm still here
    Grounded by iron chains