• She thought that no one saw her cry
    Her bangs covered her red, puffy eyes
    Her heart icy, cold and black
    She thought no one would love a girl like that

    She wanted to run away, but her problems were there to stay
    Her mother, the only one who took the pain away,
    Would pull back her hair and tell her she would be okay.
    Until that faithful day,
    When her mother passed away

    She let down her hair and let the tears soak her face,
    The pain never went away
    At school she would cross her T's and dot her i's
    And would act like it was just a regular day

    People stared, but never asked,
    Hoping that she would just snap back

    She thought that no one saw her cry
    Her bangs covered her red, puffy eyes
    Her heart icy, cold and black
    She thought no one would love a girl like that

    Until one day, she realized that someone was coming her way
    He walked past her everyday
    But this day he stopped and took her hand
    He brushed her bangs out of her face and with his free hand
    Took her bag and looked into her red rimmed eyes

    Finally, she realized that someone had seen her cry
    He had seen her make her bangs cover her red, puffy eyes
    He made the ice around her heart shatter and crack
    and with that one look he loved a girl like that.