• No one believes you
    That you are different
    That you are a super star
    They don’t believe
    That you are a star in your heart you don’t care
    Even though your friends
    Don’t believe that you are a star
    In your heart you can do anything
    That you want in your heart
    Just believe and you’ll secede
    In your dreams to be a star
    Because you want to be a star
    Because you seem like a star
    Don’t hide you talent
    Don’t ever hide your talent
    Let it shine in the night be a star
    A superstar just believe in yourself
    And you will secede in anything
    Just believe in you believe in your heart
    Believe that you are a star
    Be a star believe you are a star
    And you can do anything
    That you want to do
    Believe in you and you will secede
    In everything you do
    Believe that you can be a star
    Because you are a star in your heart
    A star
    In your heart just believe
    In yourself and you’ll secede
    In what you do just believe in your self
    Just believe that you’re a star
    That you’re a star