• His tall, thin, pale body cloaked in black
    A dark shroud surrounding him completely
    Crystal blue eyes looking at her almost lovingly
    His pale, pink lips part slightly in a smile flashing his teeth
    Eyes fixed upon her neck
    Raising his thin, white fingers to her cascading, blood red hair
    Moving it gently behind her bare shoulder
    Exposing the oft, smooth crook of her neck
    Leaning in as to kiss her
    He tilts her head to the side and embraces her
    Baring his teeth showing a pair of large canines
    Stopping for a moment to breath in the scent of her flesh
    The pulse of her heartbeat resting just below his mouth
    Savoring the moment
    Then pressing his teeth lightly to her neck
    He licks her sweet skin with his tongue
    One quick movement and her blood fulls his mouth
    She gasps and holds him closer and tighter
    But she doesn't gasp from pain, but pleasure
    For he can make it that way
    And he doesn't want to hurt her
    But love her instead
    Sucking gently at her neck he feels her blood flow into his veins
    He pulls back when he has to hold her up
    And kisses her lips leaving some of her blood

    Carrying her to his bed he lays her down for dawn