• I cant begin to explain,
    exactly what you mean to me.
    Because what I feel isnt even clear in my own mind.
    If I had to tell you,
    truly what I want to,
    I couldnt.
    I wish only that you live happy,
    and tears come rarely.
    I want you to love and be loved.
    I hope you'll remember me,
    when days become hard.
    And know you can come to me for help.
    Dont think for a moment,
    that I would ever let you go.
    You bring a smile to my face everyday.
    You're just one of those people,
    that I am proud to call a friend.
    I love you, I hate you, I miss you, I cant live without you.
    And no matter where I am or what I am doing,
    when I think of you a smile comes to my face.
    So, Keep your head up, handsome,
    people would kill to see you fall.