• I am
    PrincessBabyboo heart
    I am a story yet to be written and an image of another.
    I wonder if dreams really come true.
    I hear the voice of another.
    I see through the eyes of a dream.
    I want every word he says to be true.
    I am a story yet to be written and an image of another.

    I pretend I have no problems.
    I feel the pain I'm not showing.
    I touch the fluffy clouds which I lay my head upon.
    I worry that I might hurt someones feeling.
    I cry when it's raining so no one see's my tears.
    I am a story yet to be written and an image of another.

    I understand that not everyone is nice.
    I say I miss you cause I really do.
    I dream with my eyes wide open.
    I try to be super human.
    I hope to find my true self.
    I am a story yet to be written and an image of another.