• I once knew this guy
    Who would soon be my friend
    I didn’t know him well
    But I knew he wanted his life to end
    He tried so hard
    And couldn’t get by
    It seemed to get harder
    All the facts were just lies
    He made all the wrong decisions
    He tripped over every stone
    Traveled down the wrong paths
    Everything he knew became unknown.
    On the inside he was crying
    He dreaded waking each day
    But every time he cried
    No smiles came his way
    As his hope ran out
    His tears ran dry
    All his dreams were shot down
    In his mind he’d never fly.
    He’d never see the stars
    Shooting across the sky
    He’d never be the one to be loved
    He was just some guy
    One day he decided
    He didn’t want to be here anymore
    He emptied out his locker
    Re-opened every wound he had torn
    He went to walk home
    His eyes never leaving the ground
    He thought of who’d he say goodbye to
    To whom he never frowned
    It was then he realized
    He had no one, he was alone
    He had no one to smile to
    Love he had never known
    I then happened to collide with him
    Knocked him to the ground
    The funny thing was though
    He just got up without a frown
    He stared at my sick face
    And looked away
    Seeing my hairless head
    I let him think what he may
    We started to talk
    And laugh and play
    But little did I know
    That I saved his life that day
    He only told me of his dreams
    And his fantasies of the sky
    And he never told me
    That night he was planning to die
    At my funeral he laughed
    As he choked back tears
    And the only thing he could say
    Was how I had become so dear
    He said
    “She was my very best friend
    She helped me in every way
    And I never told her
    That she saved my life that day
    I told her how I wanted to fly
    She just laughed and said you better try
    And in her final words she said
    The words I’ll know all my life
    As she lied there in that hospital bed
    Trying to fight the cancer that took her life
    She said
    'I helped so many people
    Gave back so many lives
    And I’m glad I met you friend
    For now I’m glad
    That I have you to hold
    In the final minutes of my life
    I must go now, my friend
    But I’ll be here with you forever more
    And when I get my wings my friend
    Into the sky I will soar
    I will fly high
    But leave my love behind
    Because even though I’ll be gone soon
    My heart will help you fly.'"