• I stand in a field
    And I know it’s a dream
    It’s very beautiful
    There is grass, flowers, and a stream

    I Look to the stream
    Hoping to see crystal clear
    But it’s not the color I want to see
    It’s the color I fear

    The color is blood red
    I follow it to see where it started
    I find a number of things
    Flowers, fish, rocks, and trees that are parted

    In the stream is a girl
    She is crying
    She holds a knife in her hand
    And she knows she is dieing

    I hide behind a rock
    So that she can’t see
    I hide behind it
    So I don’t see me

    The girl in the stream is me
    All covered in blood
    I did it for someone
    I made a bloody flood

    Everything turns black
    And I start to fear
    I turn to find nothing
    And I shed a single tear

    I wake from my dream
    And thank God it wasn’t real
    I did it all for him
    So I swear he won’t make me kill