• I don't remember much
    just a sudden flash of light,
    Then something snaped
    and a voice screamed in fright,
    Everything was numb
    and suddenly things went black,
    When I woke things weren't right
    I had a feeling I wanted to go back.
    I was surrounded by demons
    and everything was in flame,
    Their faces twisted grins
    as if this was a game,
    Others where there too
    covered in flame crying in pain,
    Their screams did nothing
    their cries for mercy in vain,
    A demon then looked at me
    his eyes taking mine in firey stare.
    I soon realized where I was
    this was the place that brought me tears,
    I was in the eternal pit
    the very place that held secret fears,
    Looking around I stoped
    the devil himself was sitting with glee,
    Falling to my knees I hid my face
    why had this happened to me,
    Was this a joke for humor
    had I done something wrong,
    The demons listened to my cries
    as if they were part of a beautiful song.
    The devil stood grining
    his eyes red like fire full of dread,
    I couldn't handle this anymore
    was this it wasI really dead,
    Through the cries in vain
    and under the shadow of sin,
    I ran to the edge
    wishing this had never been,
    The flames were rising
    this was the ultimate crime,
    Without thinking I jumped into the fire
    cursing myself to burn in Hell's dark flames for all time.