• we must dare to dream for in this world of misery and despair we dreamers are a dieing breed to live a life worth remembering we must dare to look up to the ash ridden skies and hope for a brighter tomorrow. for a sullen heart dies and becomes the ash that darkens our skies and sends on into oblivion

    we fear that which we can not see, the things that lie in our darkest dreams, our minds paint our own hell on the darkened canvas, so man fights the dark fringes with fire. and so with the fear gone we live on and not realize that behind our buildings as high as the sky, lie in wait the beasts we fear most, US

    this world of pain and sacrifice
    the place ablaze with sin and vice
    the world in which truth has gone
    this place where i just don't belong

    this post says a lot but it really doesn't say any thing because i will end up just talking about how i am talking about me talking about talking and so on and so forth but overall you have probably just lost five iq point so far just reading about how i am talking well typing if you want to be technical ok then i am typing about how i am typing these little letters that end up saying words that when i finish this it will probably have no meaning in you life but still you are just reading about how i am typing about talking in circles oh and by this point you are either laughing or about to through a random hammer trough your monitor because you are just reading about these little pointless words that i keep typing oh and by the way if you are still reading this i think you might have lost a few more brain cells by now i think they might have jumped overboard to escape from this typing that i am doing and you are probably feeling like a loser with no life while reading this and that assumption might be on the mark but then again it might not because if you think about it you are breathing still well unless you are trying to say this out loud but if you did you are probably passed out by now so i guess this makes it even more pointless for me to keep typing about how i am typing and telling you about how my fingers are gliding over the key board hey i bet you didn't know that i use advanced hunt and peck typing but i guess this is irrelevant so how are you nah you don't want to answer that now do you you'd rather just keep mindlessly reading about how i am typing right now. OHH lookie there it is a period they are very useful tools--- except when it comes to females because their version is hell on earth i know this because i grew up with three sisters and no brothers and my dad died when i was five leaving me to fend for my self against these demonic things but ohh well back to typing about typing this pointlessly long narrative that tells you effectively nothing of relevant importance to you or your life but i guess you might be bore by now so WAKE UP YA LAZY BUM and read on because we are not done here oohhh not by a long shot because i like pie and pie is good and if you have never had pie then go down to a bakery and get your self a pie because pizza is a nutritious meal of the day oh what you didn't know that pizza was called a pie well the more you know but i can not remember what that quote is from it might have been of so kids show from back in the day and i think that this day might have been a Tuesday and do you know that a pizza is really good on a Tuesday of course because pie is good any time of any day since it is a great dessert at night time which might come to your home at a different time each day but it doesn't really vary enough on a day to day basis to fret about it. hey look another one. yeah you can breath. inhale. exhale. inhale. exhale. INHALE DARN IT, breath wow you must be blond... hey i was born blond so Blondies don't get offended because i will personally yell at you in my head arrgg. did i mention how i am typing about typing about how i like fish i have a fish he is an Oscar just to let you know but he can not type because i don't have an underwater keyboard hey someone should invent one of those things wouldn't that be fun to im your friggen fish i wonder what he say oh oh i know he would type that he is typing about his typing skills with his gills i bet he would have to spell check a lot or would he just yell at me you bum feed me naw that would be my cat hey did i tell you i have a cat yeah he likes typing but he is illiterate so he types like this qqqqqqqqqqqwbbbbbbbbheeeeeeeeeeeeeeikllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirtuiaioooooooooooooooooooooo
    nutz to many red lines hey i wonder if they come in any other colors cause you know that green is the color for geniuses but i guess they wouldn't see it a lot cause they can type good so they can type about how the are typing soo neatly while typing about their typing skills with no gills i wonder how people would look with gills i know a lot of people want to see them with tails but wouldn't that look like they are taking an enormous crap all the time i don't know but what i do know is that i am good at typing about me typing on a typing subject well i am afraid i rambled away a few moments of your life AND YOU WILL NEVER GET THEM BACK MWAHAHA, but any who for reading thing you gain 0.0000000000000001 cool point hurray and it only cost you 20 iq points but who needs that when your a fraction of a fraction cooler ; )