• All of this made the young one aware,
    His Elder has many secrets, fit to share.
    This, after all, Elder's world,
    Knowledge, Left young one unfurled.
    He knows he cannot acheive this victory,
    Many thoughts, his spirit, long to be free.
    Young one must win to fulfill selfish desire,
    Thoughts, his head, burn Hot Fire.
    His prize, however's a mind it's own,
    No chance, perhaps better alone.
    Now the battle, Will and Might,
    Young one started a losing fight.
    They start, push back, younger quick to lose,
    Glad he tried, however, Left with no abuse.
    Young one bows head, not shame, but respect,
    Then stands with pride, back erect.
    He had tried, full of desire, did his best,
    Lost the fight, left elder's home, needs rest...