• The sun is coming up
    I awake from my sleep
    Wishing that reality wouldn't hit me so deep

    It won't be long now
    The disease has won
    It took away her memory
    And now she will soon be gone

    Yes I will miss her oh so very much
    Her curly, silver hair and her soft gentle touch

    But I'm not too sad
    Because I know where she'll be going

    Forever in our hearts she will always stay
    Till we meet her again face to face
    Behind the pearly gates her and papaw awaits
    For all the family circle to be complete again

    Oh what joy there will be
    The happiness and laughter that will go on
    But i must not think too much about it
    I have a job here that has to be done

    I will be getting married soon
    And life will go on
    New life will be born
    And her great grand children will be told
    How amazing she was
    And all the wonderful stories that she holds
    Of trips to Florida on her own
    She took them when nobody would know

    Now we'll be saying goodbye
    But goodbye is not forever
    I love you my sweet mamaw
    I will see you soon in heaven with papaw. cry