• What has happened
    I can't believe i did that
    You've given me so much pleasure
    The first time we made love

    I lay on your chest
    Listening to your heart
    You showed how much you really love me
    Within all this muscle is a gentle soul

    You made me feel so alive
    As i get up to make breakfast
    I see a bottle on your nightstand hidden by the lamp
    When did you start taking pills?

    I read the bottle
    Screams echoes through out the house
    You jerk awake, you see the bottle
    Apologies escape your lips

    I thought you loved me
    How could you
    My world came crumbling down
    I stare at your remorseful face

    How did i let love get in the way
    You've touched me in so many ways none other have
    Distracted by your love
    By letting you love me I've been infected

    So much pain courses through my body
    I whimper silently staring at you
    Realizing if you truly loved me you would have told me
    You've fooled me and now i suffer
    Now i can never love again