• Crawling along the branch of life
    Going about my everyday life
    Everything seemed all right and okay

    But then my world was turned upside down and
    I felt my feet fall to the ground
    And I tried climbing back up the tree of life,
    But the top was nowhere in sight

    Going headfirst into the dark abyss
    A cold broken-hearted world
    Parents divorce and I moved away
    Senior in High School with a part-time job
    Trying to find a reason to graduate

    Sickness, darkness, reality of pain
    Life shattered my fragile heart
    My soul torn into confetti

    Depression knocking on my front door
    Lost, trying to find light in the dark
    Seeking the Truth, Love and acceptance
    But never finding true sanctuary
    Tossed back and forth between different
    "councilors" who couldn't help, who
    put me into out-patient and put me on drugs

    Frozen and petrified my world closes in
    And envelops me in darkness
    Bound tightly inside my bondage cocoon...

    Transformed from within by nature's Creator
    I begin to see the light of love shining within my heart

    God my Father has given me grace
    Through Jesus Christ my savior
    And transformed my broken life
    Into a vibrant colored butterfly

    Slowly I'm coming out of my cocoon
    To embrace a new way of life in Love
    But unless I view myself as the beautiful
    Butterfly God created me as
    I will never stretch my wings
    I will stay crawling, like I used to,
    While I have everything I need to fly

    So Lord renew my mind to this new life
    And let me see Your beauty in me
    And let me fly high and shine your light
    To others in the dark for all to see

    Resting in Your love and abiding in Your heart
    Sheltered from the harsh ways of life...
    This is true sanctuary