• Dragon Legend

    Up above the clouds I soar,

    Flying to fight the wrong.

    Let them hear my bloody roar,

    and listen to my wrathful song.

    I will spill their blood.

    I will show them my might.

    Crimson will tint the mud,

    As they scream in fright.

    With fear they will cower.

    With fear they will cry.

    They will fall to my power,

    Then to the next I fly.

    I am a dragon,

    Mighty and fierce.

    I wipe out legions

    With a single pierce

    But I live for the right,

    And I battle the wrong.

    It’s a battle I must fight,

    be it ever so long.

    No army can take me down,

    No weapon known of man.

    But I look death in the face and frown-

    I’ve met the one who can.

    He jabs high then trusts low.

    He swings his sword with great strength.

    Never signs of fatigue did he show,

    Thus the fight went years in length.

    He has me yet,

    With anger he cried.

    An opponent well met,

    I went down with pride.

    I lay here now,

    Struggling to stay alive.

    Through my pain I plow,

    And I did survive.

    My battles are over,

    I’m now too weak to fight.

    I now lay among the clover,

    Scars showing my ancient might.

    Up above the clouds I did soar,

    I flew and fought the wrong.

    They once heard my bloody roar,

    And listened to my wrathful song.