• Your eyes are so haunting

    Blue and depressed with meaning.

    Why did I do what I did?

    Your screams are repressed

    And I can hear them

    With your eyes.

    You've always looked me straight in the eyes

    When no one else would.

    Your eyes are in my worst nightmares

    And the sweet dreams I have at night.

    You let me see your soul

    When I shut you out.

    I have never seen you cry

    Never seen tears fall from your eyes

    But I can see the memories of them

    In your beautiful blue eyes.

    You act strong and hold your head high

    But on the inside I know

    You desperately call for a pair of arms to be held in.

    And I never held mine open when I wanted to.

    Your eyes are the windows to your soul

    So expressive and haunting.

    When you are tired and drowsy,

    Your eyes turn to smoke

    And that's why I can't stay near you.

    I yearn for your strength

    The power and knowledge held in your eyes.

    But I know that

    No one would allow it

    Even though I want to be with you

    With everything I have,

    No one can tell me what to do now.

    My soul is my own

    And I am ready to take on the devil

    For you.

    Then one day

    I will show you that you are worth every second of my time.

    Show me the strength that you hold

    In your eyes.

    And I will fight to see

    The glimmer of joy in your eyes.

    Because I will always be there

    Even if it doesn't seem like it

    You will not be sad any longer

    For I will fight to see

    You smile.

    I am glad you never gave up on me

    Because I will never give up on you.

    You are my treasure

    My precious little porclain doll.

    The rain reflects the way you look

    When I tell you to leave.

    So downcast and broken

    Your eyes shine with tears

    And my heart breaks to see you so hurt.

    But it must be done

    For I will be there

    Just give it some time

    And I will fight

    For you.

    So brighten your eyes

    And smile for me

    Once more.