• Time in a bottle…what does that mean?
    Is it something that is heard
    Or is it something that is seen?
    Is it lake sand in the palm of your hands
    Or like liquid, trickling down in strands?

    The sands of time…an interesting place,
    Where things slow down or speed up in pace.
    A place where life seems to begin,
    But also where it finds an end

    Future, present, and the past
    Time seems to go by really fast.
    Before you can blink, things call all change.
    Becoming something new or being rearranged.

    What is it that makes the world go round?
    I think it’s time and where is it found.
    It can be spent hanging with a friend,
    Or maybe just waiting for the day to end
    Time…is special for everyone.
    Let’s try to save it…before it’s all gone.