• Ebony Orbs

    Large ebony orbs of quenched molten fire
    Flashing within bleeding leaves
    The gray spirits above
    Raining, raining of blood and light through barren trees
    Mangled paws, scorched claws unleashed, last of its pride
    Running, running soundlessly within a mossy maze

    Antlers flashed within the orbs, within the very edge
    Antlers quicker than mangled claws
    Antlers, antlers… antlers
    The last, the very last, the last flame…
    Ancient ancestral remains scattered over twisted ancient roots
    The last paw trapped, stumbled,
    … died.

    The last night, large ebony orbs of death
    Within a cage of wooden planks
    Tail tucked, belly dragged upon the wood
    Whimpering, prodding one wet nose under a muddy boot
    And died.