• Once I thought I was free
    But that couldn't be
    I was tied down
    With useless wings
    The bars still hung over me

    To be free is a lie

    No longer me
    Never to be free
    Chains litter the ground
    Along with the bars around me
    This is why I can't be me

    To let dreams shatter

    With these clipped wings I can't be
    They are good for nothing
    I cannot soar
    Nor be free

    To hate useless clipped wings

    In this cage I can't feel
    Hope is no longer an option
    Only darkness to comfort
    Only the coldness to welcome

    To wish no longer to fear the nothingness

    Once I thought I was free
    It can't be
    No true wings for me
    not yet
    oh no

    To believe in something that's not there

    The bars are solid
    Paper wings are ripped
    Dreams are forgotten
    The truth hidden in a sea of lies
    Can't see it?

    To be told the truth

    I don't want to be afraid.
    I don't want to be alone
    Or left untouched
    I want to be known
    To be there
    I will be free
    Watch me

    To start hope