I’m so tired of being here
    Really, there is not much wrong
    I’m alright, I’m fine
    I just want to escape

    Where did I go wrong?
    My once pleasant dreams
    Just became Nightmares
    This pain is just too real

    Somewhere along the bitterness
    I decided this is my time
    My time to escape
    So I won’t hesitate no more

    I am going on now
    When I still can
    I’ll take a risk
    Even if it leads me nowhere

    Now I’m trying to leave this place
    Trying hard to reach out
    To Take a chance
    And live life freely

    I am having a hard time
    This is when I ask my self this:
    Should I give up?
    I am not getting anywhere
    So should I stop now?

    I will not
    I will go on
    Even if my ideas are crappy
    And the whole thing turns out wrong
    So what?
    I don’t care
    I am attempting
    And that is what counts to me