• She was gone. His entire world had left over night while he was resting. Upon his awakening he discovered that her presence had been stolen from him. There was nothing left to even prove that she was once there with him. He clothes was gone from all the dressers. Her make-ups and other feminine tools were missing. Even her scent was gone from the sheets.
    On the kitchen table lay a note that used only one sentence, "I'm sorry". His heart fell as he stood there reading it over and over again. He just didn't understand why it was this happened to him. He gave her everything she ever asked for and more. But now it seemed that not even that was enough to keep her by his side.
    The more he thought about it the deeper he fell into depression. He missed her deeply. His body ached for her to come back to him. His heart bled for her to return. Days went by quickly as he just sat in the kitchen floor looking at the piece of paper. He had unplugged his phones and threw his cell phones away. He had disconnected himself from the world completely.
    Then finally he realized he could no longer live without her. Thats when he decided he was going to commit suicide. His life meant nothing without her in it and she was all he could ever think of . The longer he dwelt upon the subject the better it started to sound. It didn't take long for him to purchase the 357 magnum six shot from the local pawn shop. When they had inquired on what it was for he told them he was going rabbit hunting with some buddies.
    Once home he started setting everything up. He had positioned a chair beside her side of the bed and sat down in it. He had placed a piece of paper in his lap as he loaded the gun. The sound of the metal casing sliding into its chamber sent chills down his spine. The click it made when he pushed the chamber into the gun brought a sliver of happiness to him. He gave the chamber one quick spin and reveled in the clicking noise it made as the bullet sped through the hammer repeatedly. He would no longer need to live without her.
    As he brought the barrel up and into his mouth memories flashed through his mind. The years that they had spent together visited him once more. He drew in a quick breath as he pulled the metallic trigger and the hammer dropped into the butt of the shell casing. Sparks and force ignited the powder in the shell as the bullet raced from the barrel. As it tunneled through his skull the door to the apartment flew upon revealing his lover. She was the last thing he had seen as the bullet tore through his brain and skull. It had bathed the wall behind him in a meaty crimson paint that told the story of a hurt lover.
    She ran quickly to his side hoping, praying that it hadn't killed him. But sadly it had and all that was left was the piece of blood stained paper. She picked it up and held it in her hands for a minute. She slowly opened it up and read his last words repeatedly. "I'm sorry, but I still love you!"